Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sleazy Verizon Blind Upsell

Last October, I was juggling three separate Verizon accounts, two landlines and a wireless account for my business phones. Several different attempts to get on Verizon's OneBill program fell short of success in 2010. In addition I'd had placed dozens of calls to complain about my spotty DSL service. It seemed every time it rained, my Net would go down. Perhaps this is why.
Living history--state of the art Verizon junction box
This rat's nest of a junction box is Verizon's sorry excuse for our 21st century information infrastructure. It provides the 25 homes on my side of the street in our fashionable little urban neighborhood with "high speed" DSL and landline service. I've never gotten anything close to the advertised 3Mbps, even when it doesn't rain. And when it does, several service techs always come out (the next day) and jiggle the cables or use the repair guys version of a hairdryer and it works again until the next rain. When I ask them what we can do to prevent outages again, the responses vary from contact the PUC to wait for FIOS. FIOS, hmm, there's another sandpaper rub. Back in the early 90's I was working on a post-divestiture video for Verizon employees and came across of a clip of Ivan Seidenburg promising Philadelphia "ubiquitous fiber to the curb" in 1996. Hot damn!

Do the math Ivan, 15 years have come and gone and WHERE'S THE FIBER? Eighteen blocks from the old Bell of PA HQ and we don't have it and nobody at Verizon can tell us when we will. My neighbor Grove, a purchasing director for an aerospace firm who telecommutes on Fridays, found this out the hard way. He called Verizon last year, got bounced to the typical 5 different CSRs, got disconnected twice, (I'm sorry sir this is not my department, let me transfer you, click, errrr, If you'd like to place your call, please try again). He spent an infuriating hour and a half of his life to find out what I could've told him over a leisurely glass of wine, that Verizon is writing down the costs of their investment in copper wire and is dragging their feet for the sake of the balance sheet. It's not a technology issue. It's a money issue. Grove, never one to suffer fools, voted with his feet and promptly canceled all his Verizon services and is now a happy (by comparison) Clear customer.  I feel for you buddy, but the time you wasted is chump change compared to my experiences.

Much more Sleaze after the Jump!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Father and Son Talk 1

The first of an occasional series where I post recent Dad/lad talks for fun, posterity or just so I don't forget them when I go senile.

Here's a little story about #2 Son in honor of his day. A few months ago, he had to recite this cute Shel Silverstein poem for class. It's called "Smart."
My dad gave me one dollar bill
'Cause I'm his smartest son,
And I swapped it for two shiny quarters
'Cause two is more than one!

And then i took the quarters

And traded them to Lou
For three dimes-i guess he don't know
that three is more than two!

Just them, along came old blind Bates

And just 'cause he can't see
He gave me four nickels for my three dimes,
And four is more than three!

And i took the nickels to Hiram Coombs

Down at the seed-feed store,
and the fool gave me five pennies for them,
And five is more than four!

And then i went and showed my dad,

and he go red in the cheeks
And closed his eyes and shook his head-
Too proud of me to speak!

The night before, he had it down cold, but the recitation had the sort of emotionless, flat quality of rote memorization. So I put on my speech coach hat and showed him which words and phrases to punch to derive the humor and meter from the poem.

The next day we were walking home from school and he said he'd done his presentation. I asked him how he did and an odd hangdog expression came over his face. (All my doggy owner friends know that expression.) I held my breath, thinking oh no, he messed it up. He mumbled a response to my question and I asked him to repeat himself.

He said, "Everybody clapped."

I said, "But son, that's great."

He said, "I guess, but they clapped really loud!"

Me: "What's wrong with that?"

Him: "Nobody got as much applause as I did."

Me (heart swelling, but sensing the teachable moment): "Son, its great that you have empathy for your classmates. You're all part of a community and it's nice that you want to share things like praise with them. There will be times when they do things better than you and there will be just as many times (or more) when you do better than them. But you have to promise me something."

Little man: "What's that Dad?"

Me: "That you will never, ever again be embarrassed about excelling. Even if you're the only one who does. Instead of feeling embarrassed, ask yourself why they clapped so loud. Ask yourself what you did right to earn those claps and what you might have done better. Instead of feeling embarrassed turn it into a learning experience. Do you see what I'm saying?

Silent head nod.

Me: "Good! Now give me a hug."

Sometimes a kid who senses he is different and excels wants nothing more than to fit in. Nothing wrong with that, but when there's a strong, unique light under that bushel, a parent's job is to help lift that bushel and let it shine. It's moments like this that bring a sort of transcendental joy to being a parent. I've been graced with many such moments.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Face to Face

A recent freewheeling FB chat I had with my brother who is a teacher in the Chicago Public School System on the subjects of privacy, "friending," "defriending," kids and personal technology and the up/downsides of all:

are you still home?

yes if you mean Pgh.

just got K's msg about defriending ###### for Mom. I can't do that. Would need access to her account and pw to do that. So perhaps you can while there.

This is one area where Mom and I disagree, but she has the right to her own opinions and "friends"

I can handle it...think I'll just hide ###  for her...that way #### won't hound her and won't know that she isn't seeing ####'s posts unless ### posts to her directly

I thought of that and while I'd advocate hiding too, I think if she looks at her friends list, then she'll know ### is still there.

it's a more "polite" way to ignore
we already talked about that

chances are real good ### won't
talk to her any more on FB than #### does already

abso, as long as she agrees
I've spam foldered ##### already. The crap I get from her isn't even personal email.
Just lame and stupid jokes.
The last series of Obama "cartoons" are positively racist, some of them, so off to spam she goes.

I haven't received a single post from ### --to me, since friending.

#### is no more a part of my life now than before FB
no surprise

I am one for maintaining congeniality. which fb is a great way to do
friendship/contact but without the sticky stuff.

I am no more/less congenial...like I said, the connection is the same as before.
I think ###, like most "collects" friends...
something I am not interested in doing

I only have about 150 people
on my list
not several hundred

I've had marvelous time reconnecting with bricks and mortar friends, some from as many as 30 years ago.

did that with 1-2 people
most are people I already am in steady contact with on a regular basis

had a great discussion with 10 people over a photo from the early 90's ITVA. Might even inspire a reunion. Social media at its best.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Don't string me up but ...

Big man for smaller government?
Okay, this might destroy my blue bonafides, but I kind of admire this guy. He's tough, plain-spoken and breathlessly un-demagogic. I'm just grateful for every conservative politician who isn't foaming at the mouth about stem cells, reproductive rights, religion or guns. Maybe my standards have been lowered, but we have a history of pragmatic and respected Republican pols in PA -- from John Heinz who was lionized by the common people in Democratic PGH to Arlen Specter to Tom Ridge. We have some flakes too (cough Santorum). Christie is not a flake. He's a straight-ahead fiscal conservative which the folks across the river arguably need right now to prevent fiscal collapse.

Some people slap the "bully" label on him. Christie has stated that he advocates "adversarial collective bargaining," which sounds like tough-guy talk until you realize it is the norm in the private sector. Ed Rendell engaged in it in PHL during his first term as mayor and he is a Dem. folk hero.

As much as I support unions and the right to collective bargaining, nobody says it should be easy. Christie's point that if you're a CEO and it's your money, you negotiate as if it counts, because it does -- it's your bottom line. However negotiating in the public sector means "other people's money" and it is far too easy to give away the candy store with no pain to self and a positive payoff in campaign contributions if you are seen as union-friendly.

We're hemorrhaging here and you can blame the evil bankers and you'd not hear me raise a squawk, but it's we middleclass folk who have to take the brunt of it and make it work. We always do. It sucks, but that doesn't make it less true. Want to have a bonfire and roast some derivatives traders. I'll be there with bells on. But we all suffer from the rich men's greed until we put a stop to it. Different issue.  

Back to Chris Christie and NJ politics. My younger (Republican) brother was the mayor of a small NJ borough. He was elected with impressive numbers after he donated about a year's worth of legal assistance to secure flood relief for the township. Toward the end of his term, he had the temerity to propose that the borough's police and fire merge with the larger borough that surrounded his smaller one. A recent NY Times article talks about this unique situation in NJ, where every little podunk town has its own emergency response system which means a lot of waste and redundancy. In my brother's case, the savings would have been in the millions to the tax base and the good people of his constituency rewarded his prudence by egging his house, leaving threatening messages on his home phone. Needless to say, they tried to recall him while still in office then rode him out on the rails in the next election.

I told him no good deed goes unpunished. I told him about favorable coverage of Christie in the Inky last year. He was genuinely shocked that a "mainstream liberal paper" (not my opinion, mind you) had anything nice to say about the new guv. Unspoken, was that his Democratic older brother would have a similar positive take. 

What we don't get in these polarized times is that the fact based respectful debate between fiscal conservatism and social activism is balanced and necessary. We should help the neediest of our population. And we should be able to pay for it. Nobody should be demonized for taking one side or the other, as long as they're working with facts instead of pandering to emotions.

Make me barf!
I'll tell you, I saw the Time mag cover "Obama (hearts) Reagan" and it made me want to hurl. Reagan was the trendsetter for everything that is wrong about today's Republican party. Ideology over principle. Show without substance. Teflon. Telling people what they want to hear instead of what we need to hear. Reagan trained up a new army of wingnuts who think patriotism means selfishly voting with their wallets and prayerbooks instead of what's good for the entire country. Reagan might as well have been Gordon "Greed is good" Gekko. So what is the best hope for leadership in this country doing embracing a such a demagogue? 
I'd be far happier if O embraced the fleshy, still very much alive Chris Christie. Then we could have a real discussion about what's gone wrong and how to fix it.

One more thing. PA Guv Tom Corbett is talking about emulating Chris Christie. You want to make "smaller government" I say fine. Start with the boondoggle that is Harrisburg where we have more state reps per unit of population than any other state than New Hampshire. If Corbett sent about half of those hillbilly nosepickers back to their one horse towns, even I'd vote for him. PA is proof that more representation is not better representation. See table below:

Population and State Legislative Size


 New Hampshire
 New Jersey
 New Mexico
 New York
 North Carolina
 North Dakota
 Rhode Island
 South Carolina
 South Dakota
 West Virginia




* Due to equal sizes of legislatures or legislative chambers, rankings may not range from 1 to 50.
Source: http://www.ncsl.org/default.aspx?tabid=13527