Big man for smaller government? |
Some people slap the "bully" label on him. Christie has stated that he advocates "adversarial collective bargaining," which sounds like tough-guy talk until you realize it is the norm in the private sector. Ed Rendell engaged in it in PHL during his first term as mayor and he is a Dem. folk hero.
As much as I support unions and the right to collective bargaining, nobody says it should be easy. Christie's point that if you're a CEO and it's your money, you negotiate as if it counts, because it does -- it's your bottom line. However negotiating in the public sector means "other people's money" and it is far too easy to give away the candy store with no pain to self and a positive payoff in campaign contributions if you are seen as union-friendly.
We're hemorrhaging here and you can blame the evil bankers and you'd not hear me raise a squawk, but it's we middleclass folk who have to take the brunt of it and make it work. We always do. It sucks, but that doesn't make it less true. Want to have a bonfire and roast some derivatives traders. I'll be there with bells on. But we all suffer from the rich men's greed until we put a stop to it. Different issue.
Back to Chris Christie and NJ politics. My younger (Republican) brother was the mayor of a small NJ borough. He was elected with impressive numbers after he donated about a year's worth of legal assistance to secure flood relief for the township. Toward the end of his term, he had the temerity to propose that the borough's police and fire merge with the larger borough that surrounded his smaller one. A recent NY Times article talks about this unique situation in NJ, where every little podunk town has its own emergency response system which means a lot of waste and redundancy. In my brother's case, the savings would have been in the millions to the tax base and the good people of his constituency rewarded his prudence by egging his house, leaving threatening messages on his home phone. Needless to say, they tried to recall him while still in office then rode him out on the rails in the next election.
I told him no good deed goes unpunished. I told him about favorable coverage of Christie in the Inky last year. He was genuinely shocked that a "mainstream liberal paper" (not my opinion, mind you) had anything nice to say about the new guv. Unspoken, was that his Democratic older brother would have a similar positive take.
What we don't get in these polarized times is that the fact based respectful debate between fiscal conservatism and social activism is balanced and necessary. We should help the neediest of our population. And we should be able to pay for it. Nobody should be demonized for taking one side or the other, as long as they're working with facts instead of pandering to emotions.
Make me barf! |
I'll tell you, I saw the Time mag cover "Obama (hearts) Reagan" and it made me want to hurl. Reagan was the trendsetter for everything that is wrong about today's Republican party. Ideology over principle. Show without substance. Teflon. Telling people what they want to hear instead of what we need to hear. Reagan trained up a new army of wingnuts who think patriotism means selfishly voting with their wallets and prayerbooks instead of what's good for the entire country. Reagan might as well have been Gordon "Greed is good" Gekko. So what is the best hope for leadership in this country doing embracing a such a demagogue?
I'd be far happier if O embraced the fleshy, still very much alive Chris Christie. Then we could have a real discussion about what's gone wrong and how to fix it.
One more thing. PA Guv Tom Corbett is talking about emulating Chris Christie. You want to make "smaller government" I say fine. Start with the boondoggle that is Harrisburg where we have more state reps per unit of population than any other state than New Hampshire. If Corbett sent about half of those hillbilly nosepickers back to their one horse towns, even I'd vote for him. PA is proof that more representation is not better representation. See table below:
Population and State Legislative Size
* Due to equal sizes of legislatures or legislative chambers, rankings may not range from 1 to 50. Source: |
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