Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sen. Arlen Specter will switch parties, run as Democrat in 2010

Election. Defection. Rejection!

When John Heinz was still alive, the Republican Party in PA had two wise, pragmatic leaders in him and Arlen Specter. As a Dem, I voted for both of them without hesitation. In the Senate, Heinz focused on retirement and the elderly, health care, international trade, finance and banking, environmental issues, human development and education. He chaired the National Republican Senatorial Committee (96th and 99th Congresses) and a member of the Senate Special Committee on Aging (97th through 99th Congresses). Does this guy sound like any Republican you've heard of lately? Why he sounds downright pinko liberal. Definitely of another era. Like Specter.

They represented my state and neither ever spouted the reactionary demagoguery that incredibly, is still GOP standard issue. I can't wait to see Rick Santorum's smirking OPED reaction in Thursday's Inquirer. Being the Republican poster boy (ahem, former Republican poster boy) I'm sure he's feverishly pounding out his peevish and consistently irrelevant response to all this "bad" news. Don’t you get it yet? To all young Republicans out there – wishes for a long, long life. My generation will be gone and you’ll be old and gray before you see another GOP centrist or a conservative Republican US President.
Conservatives do no end of  whining about this. I'll never get tired of hearing conservatives whine about an economy and an American divide they brought on themselves and the rest of us. It's music to my ears. The next time, if ever, that we see a president in the White House that represents their ignorant, homophobic, racist, fact-resistant view of the world, our generation will be worm food and our children's children will be flying around in Jetson cars. They'll look back on the Obama administration and say, see, even after the lies and moronic, isolationist blunders of the fascist Bush dynasties, America has the ability to remake itself in the image of the founders.

The Obama administration is not perfect. No bailout money has gone to welfare queens who bought McMansions. It went to McBanks and McInsurance Cos. that should have been allowed to fail. The flaw of the Obama administration is that it hasn't gone far enough in radicalizing and attacking the inequities that have eroded our national character. Wall Street still has too great a hand in fixing national policy. But we're a lot better off than we were last year and certainly better off than if we'd elected a doddering old geezer with anger management issues and his jack-booted Barbie Doll sidekick, whose "memoirs" (who knew she could even write?) reveal they hated each other from the first. What a team they would have made!

America is great, even though it's inhabited by so many dumb, small people who are unwitting suckers for the powerful corporate interests who speak through lobbyists and weepy, cigar chompin' pill poppin commentators who dress up their ignorance as Rupert Murdoch's twisted definition of "news". The poor 60 year old marine is a moron stooge, whining about somebody taking his beer money and spreading it around. If he were a banking CEO, I'd see him having a reason for whining. But he's just a poor ideological mouthpiece for rich people who may share his party affiliation, but wouldn't wipe their boots with him and are more than happy to let him talk because he "represents the voice of the little people."

Watch your feelbad TV. It would be funny, if you weren't such suckers. Curse, spit and swear at the people who are making real change and justice happen in this country. Rail against the "liberal media" while watching the crap you call news and using the most disgusting, underhanded media methods to make feeble "Acorngate" videos. So pathetic. It won't make a difference. You won't make a difference. You've been kicked to the curb. It's a pity it didn't happen 8 years earlier, but America heals its wounds and wounds its heels.

Enjoy your extended stay in non-reality. I'll never get tired of hearing conservatives' whining. It sounds like the Star Spangled Banner to me.

A "what-if" kind of riff

H. John Heinz. George W. Bush. Two scions of rich, connected families. Both standard-bearers of their party. One killed tragically over Merion, PA in 1991 in a mid-air collision while his star was on the ascendancy. One limped along in politics, played at piloting, brought this country to a mid-air collision and walked away without a scratch. Had H. John Heinz lived, would he have made a different type of Republican president, or would he, like Arlen, have switched parties? Fate is a funny thing. Politics even funnier. What if?

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