Day 1. Take 2. I blog, therefore I am. After casting about for a more lightweight, contemporary version of my dormant digital zine, the blogging craze finally connected with the simian steno pool at Trident Central. From the beginning, I struggled with the layout, time and list management demands of the monthly newsletter model which ceased to make sense long ago even though friends and colleagues know I've always had plenty to write about life as a conspicuous consumer and producer of big and small M media.
Well c.010101 is back and marches right into the fray of politicos, eroticos, scribes and pharisees who blog away at the drop of whatever they're droppin'. I like the spontaneity, interactivity and sense of community the better blogs cultivate. Heck, in some countries, you can get five years in jail for doing this. There must be something to it. I promised many moons ago, with c.010101's maiden issue, never to bore faithful readers, a promise reiterated here, to those who reward this post with a click. To paraphrase a more self-important media outlet's tagline, (I don't have voiceclips so you'll have to imagine the velvet JE Jones VO here) -- you give me a handful of minutes and I'll give you the world. Or at least a piece of it that we both care about.
yours in the faith,
-@v@- rick
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